Assessment of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) in NET Patients
Introduction: SIBO is not uncommon in NETs. Hydrogen Breath testing (HBT) using glucose may be more sensitive to proximal SIBO as glucose rarely reaches the colon. Many NET patients are likely to have distal SIBO however, as factors such as ileocecal valve removal apparently increase distal SIBO risk. Thus glucose BT alone may limit sensitivity for detecting SIBO in some NET diagnoses.
Aim(s): Assess likely risk factors for SIBO. Assess sensitivity of additional lactulose HBT and CH4 BT.
Materials and methods: Retrospective data (n=55) of NET patients undergoing HBT was examined. Twelve patients (12/55) who tested negative for glucose HBT but continued to have diarrhoea +/- wind had repeat BT using lactulose. These patients had both H2 & CH4 BT.
Conference: 14th Annual ENETSConcerence (2017)
Presenting Author:
Authors: Whyand T, Koffas A, Toumpanakis C, Mandair D, Caplin M,
Keywords: nets, sibo, dysbiosis, ,
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