Introduction: There is a serious need to develop a clear framework based on multidisciplinary team practice, in order to facilitate early detection and management of carcinoid.
Aim(s): To examine NPs' knowledge of carcinoid and its relationship with demographic characteristics, the number of patients with carcinoid.
Materials and methods: Background data were obtained using a demographic data collection tool. Twenty multiple choice questions assessed NPs' knowledge of carcinoid. Data were collected over a two-day period at the National Clinical Conference, organized by the AANP. A convenience sample of 90 NPs attending the conference was selected, with response rate 100%.
Conference: 8th Annual ENETSConcerence (2011)
Presenting Author:
Authors: Derylo M, Daly B, Duffy E, Rita M,
Keywords: carcinoid, knowledge, nurse practitioners, diagnosis, symptoms, carcinoid questionnaire,
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