Changes on Chromosome 18 are Involved in Sporadic and Familial Ileal Carcinoid Tumor Development


Introduction: Small intestine neuroendocrine tumors (ileal carcinoid) is generally considered a sporadic disease. We have identified nine families with an ileal carcinoid tumor diagnosed in two or more individuals.

Aim(s): To compare genetic changes detected in familial cases to those in sporadic tumors to reveal genetic aberrations behind carcinoid development.

Materials and methods: Clinical and molecular studies of 55 sporadic and familial patients diagnosed with ileal carcinoids were performed. Molecular analyses of 61 tumors from 45 individuals, including eight familial and 37 sporadic patients, aimed at determination of global copy number aberrations using BAC and Illumina SNP arrays.

Conference: 8th Annual ENETSConcerence (2011)

Presenting Author:

Authors: Tiensuu Janson E, Cunningham J, Diaz de Ståhl T, Sjöblom T, Westin G,

Keywords: genetics, ileal carcinoid, familial, pedigrees,

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