Clinical-morphology correlation in diagnostics and evaluating surgery results of pancreatic insulinoma and nesidiobastosis
Introduction: Organic hyperinsulinism syndrome (OHS) is revealed in 85% cases of pancreas insulinoma. Nesidioblastosis (NB) induces OHS in 15% of the cases. Surgical cure provides all symptoms of insulinoma disappearing, while cytoreductive operation results in considerable improvement of life quality. There is no intraoperative opportunity to reveal insulinoma grade, even if an urgent biopsy is performed. Thus, it is essential to determine the cause of OHS and to apply the surgical cure method during the preoperational period, thereby improving the long-term prognosis.
Aim(s): To improve organic hyperinsulinism diagnostics and long-term prognosis.
Materials and methods: Surgical pathology files and biopsies from 97 patients with OHS (66 women, 31 men) were examined: 76 benign and of uncertain behavior insulinomas, 13 malignant insulinomas, eight primary NB. Eighteen patients suffering from MEN I syndrome. Mean age of patients with malignant, uncertain behavior and benign insulinomas was 52, 92±6.00; 45, 60±9.09 and 43, 89±3.52 respectively, while with NB – 41.88±10.11. The conventional methods were histological examination of routine H&E-stained slides, IHC and electron microscopy of all specimens.
Conference: 7th Annual ENETSConcerence (2010)
Presenting Author:
Authors: Askenderova E, Egorov A, Gurevich L, Borodatova E,
Keywords: organic hyperinsulinism syndrome, insulinoma, nesidioblastosis,,
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