Distinct Cut-Off Values of Ki-67-index for NET-Grading in a Large German Multicentrer Cohort
Introduction: Grading (G) of neuroendocrine tumors (NET) according to ENETS is based on immunhistochemical staining of Ki-67 antigen. Close margins between G1 and G2 NET often fail to differ in survival analysis.
Aim(s): Analysis of Ki-67 values using different cut-off values and correlation with overall survival in a large multicenter cohort of the German NET Registry.
Materials and methods: The German NET Registry (G-NET-Reg) collects data from histologically proven NET diagnoses since 1999 from 28 centers in Germany. Ki-67 values, histopathological classification, clinical data as well as information on overall and NET-specific outcome were obtained and statistically analyzed with regard to prognosis.
Conference: 8th Annual ENETSConcerence (2011)
Presenting Author:
Authors: Rinke A, Maasberg S, Begum N, Baum R, Goretzki P,
Keywords: neureondocrine tumor, grading, Ki67-cut-off-value, outcome, prognosis,
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