Endoscopic ultrasound of 66 insulinomas
Introduction: Ultrasound is the virtual representation of the morphology of organs and tissues. Endoscopic ultrasound can be used in detailed scanning of pancreas and preoperative topical diagnostics of insulinomas. Insulinoma requires surgical treatment in all cases. This fact allows control of preoperative diagnostic methods.
Aim(s): To define a capability of endoscopic ultrasound in preoperative detection of insulinoma, determination of its localization in the pancreas and also stereotopography; to analyze echo-features of pancreatic insulinomas (homogeneity and level of echogeneity) for conducting of morpho-ultrasound correlation.
Materials and methods: Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) was done over seven years (2003-09) in two endoscopic departments with the use of echoendoscopes Olympus GF UM 20, GF UM 160, GF UE 160 (with Aloka &-10) for 61 patients (12 men, 49 women; mean age 43 years, range 12 to 69 years) with sporadic insulinomas (46 patients) and associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) syndrome (15). All patients were operated in three adult and one pediatric center with the consecutive immunohistochemical studies for surgical specimens – 66 insulinomas were detected (uncinate process 9, head 20, neck 6, body 13, tail 18). The mean size of these tumors was 17 mm (range 9 to 35mm). Among them there were five patients, ineffectively previously operated in other centers.
Conference: 7th Annual ENETSConcerence (2010)
Presenting Author:
Authors: Silina T, Gurevich L, Britvin T, Êyznetcov N, Krivko A,
Keywords: insulinoma, MEN, EUS, endosonography, endoscopic ultrasound ,
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