Enucleation of Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms Combined with Pre-Operative Wirsung Stenting, Intra-Operative Ultrasounds and Absorbable Fibrin Sealant Patch Application.
Introduction: Parenchyma-sparing surgery is indicated in small pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms (pNENs), however, it is often followed by high morbidity rates.
Aim(s): Analyze the perioperative outcome of our series of enucleations for pNENs.
Materials and methods: From January 2010 to October 2012, we resected 36 pNENs (seven functioning), eight pancraticoduodenectomy, 16 distal pancreatectomy, two total pancreatectomy, 10 enucleation (one laparoscopic). Enucleation was contraindicated when the lesion was deeply embedded in gland’s parenchyma and in case of overt malignant appearance. EUS was performed preoperatively in eight patients. ERCP with Wirsung stenting was realized when the distance between the main pancreatic duct and the lesion was less than 3 mm (three cases; mean distance 2.1mm). Intraoperative US was performed in all patients. An absorbable fibrin sealant patch (Tachosil ®) was placed on the area of enucleation.) In all patients, a lymph node sampling was added.
Conference: 10th Annual ENETSConcerence (2013)
Presenting Author: Zerbi A
Authors: Gavazzi F, Ridolfi C, Angiolini M, Spaggiari P, Carnaghi C,
Keywords: pNEN,
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