Epidemiological Factors at Diagnosis in a Large Cohort of Patients with Small Bowel Neurondocrine Tumours
Introduction: The incidence of small bowel Neuroendocrine Tumours (SBNETs) has been increasing. Despite previous reports, epidemiological data regarding several clinical factors are limited.
Aim(s): To present epidemiological data at the time of diagnosis (Dx) in a large cohort of patients with SBNETs
Materials and methods: 572 patients with SBNETs were included. Follow-up was complete. Diagnosis was defined as the date of the first histopathological data.
Conference: 13th Annual ENETSConcerence (2016)
Presenting Author: TOUMPANAKIS C
Authors: Toumpanakis C, Vlachou E, Wilkins D, Tuck A, Phillips E,
Keywords: Small bowel NETs, epidemiology, diagnosis,
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