Ganglioneuroma of Retroperitoean
Introduction: Ganglioneuromas presented as a retroperitoneal tumor around vital organs is a rare entity. A case with unusual presentation is reported. Forty-four-year-old woman presented without any complaint, found during incidental abdominopelvic ultrasound.
Aim(s): What is the best decision for an asymtomatic ganglioneuroma massive tumor?
Materials and methods: On physical examination his vital signs were normal. Chest and abdominal examination was normal. Blood and chemistry (VMA and 5-HIAA) normal. CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis showed a mass of homogenous density arising from central retroperitoneum encircling the aorta covering liver from lateral wall coming towards dome and anteriorily. It was spreading into the pelvic and bilateral iliac vessels. Other abdominal viscera looked normal. Occult blood was negative. All were inconclusive for management.
Conference: 11th Annual ENETSConcerence (2014)
Presenting Author: payandeh m
Authors: payandeh m, aeinfar m,
Keywords: ganglioneuroma, retropertoneal, surgery,
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