How to Perform Contrast Enhanced Oncologic Staging MRI of Abdomen and Pelvis with a Hepatocyte Specific Agent in a Large Bore MR Scanner: Optimizing Extrahepatic Tumor Evaluation in Neuroendocrine Neoplasms
Introduction: Liver specific MR contrast agents in neuroendocrine neoplasms (NEN) have shown its advantages in evaluation of hepatic tumor burden. However, a standard scan protocol is insufficient in extrahepatic and especially pelvic tumor evaluation.
Aim(s): To evaluate a MRI shuttle protocol with fast 3D-T1w sequences and hepatospecific contrast (Gd-EOB) to enable imaging abdomen and pelvis in optimal first pass contrast phases in the setting of a large bore MRI scanner with shorter axial field of view.
Materials and methods: 96 patients with NEN of the abdomen were scanned with the first pass (FP) pelvic sequence in a Gd-EOB MRI. We compared pelvic vessel and tissue enhancement between FP and a standard equilibrium (EQ) pelvic sequence. Dynamic liver enhancement between the new protocol including FP pelvic sequence was compared to a standard protocol without additional sequence.
Conference: 15th Annual ENETSConcerence (2018)
Presenting Author: Fehrenbach U
Authors: Fehrenbach U, Fahlenkamp U, Prasad V, Pavel M, Geisel D,
Keywords: magnetic resonance, hepatocyte specific, liver specific, gadoxetate, gadoxetic acid, neuroendocrine, staging, shuttle, large bore, whole abdomen, pelvis, extrahepatic evaluation,
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