Initial Experience of a Novel Endoscopic Full Thickness Resection Device (FTRD) for the Treatment of Rectal Neuroendocrine Tumours
Introduction: Standard endoscopic resection of rectal NETs is often associated with histological incomplete excision due to submucosal position within the bowel. Endoscopic full thickness resection may allow early definitive management.
Aim(s): To assess the effectiveness of the FTRD in the management of small rectal NETS.
Materials and methods: Review of all rectal NET patients presenting to the regional NET multidisciplinary team meeting between January 2015 and August 2016. Full thickness resection performed using an over-the-scope device.
Conference: 14th Annual ENETSConcerence (2017)
Presenting Author:
Authors: Fong M, Ramsey E, Boger P, Ellis R, Knight J,
Keywords: endoscopic full thickness resection, rectal NET,
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