MEN1 Associated pNETs: A Case Series from Two Centres of Excellence in the United Kingdom
Introduction: Literature on MEN1 associated PNETS as a unique clinico-pathological entity is evolving.
Aim(s): We aimed to compare characteristics of MEN1 related PNET to sporadic PNETS in a retrospective multicentre study.
Materials and methods: Data for MEN1 related pNETS were retrieved retrospectively from PNET databases in 2 tertiary centres in the UK. Data for a control group of sporadic pNETs was obtained from the institutional NET database in UHB.
Conference: 17th Annual ENETSConcerence (2020)
Presenting Author: Venkataraman H
Authors: Venkataraman H, Hegde P, Purewal T, Smith S, Vicarage S,
Keywords: Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors, Multiple endocrine neoplasia, sporadic pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors,
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