Mixed Exocrine-Endocrine Pancreatic Tumors


Introduction: Mixed pancreatic tumors are very rare, characterized by association of exocrine (ductal or acinar) and endocrine components, and positivity for neuroendocrine (NE) markers in >30% of cells.

Aim(s): To evaluate clinical presentation, surgery, histology, outcome and follow up (FU).

Materials and methods: From 2002 to 2011, 133 NE pancreatic tumors observed in our Department: six (4.5%) mixed tumors.

Conference: 10th Annual ENETSConcerence (2013)

Presenting Author: Pasquali C

Authors: Milanetto A, Lico V, Moletta L, Alaggio R, Sperti C,

Keywords: mixed pancreatic tumors, endocrine pancreatic tumors, exocrine pancreatic tumors,

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