New Hybrid SPECT-CT Modality for Imaging Purposes in Patients with Medullary Thyroid Cancer (MTC)
Introduction: Loco-regional lymph node and distant metastases are found very often in patients with MTC of less than 1 cm. There is not good MTC response to systemic chemotherapy or to external been radiotherapy. Radical thyroidectomy is the main method of therapy. Early diagnosis and correct N/M-staging are extremely important for the management of MTC. New hybrid SPECT-CT γ-cameras allow the fusion of anatomical and functional modalities. SPECT-CT is used in order to optimize somatostatin-receptor scintigraphic protocols.
Aim(s): The aim of this study is to present advantages of hybrid somatostatin SPECT-CT images of MTC
Materials and methods: 19 pts with MTC were studied: 5 for pre-treatment imaging and 14 with hypercalcitoninemia after surgical treatment for re-staging of the disease. SPECT-CT studies were performed 2-4 hrs post i.v.inj. of 740 MBq 99mTc-Tektrotyd (Polatom), using SPECT-CT camera Symbia T2, Siemens
Conference: 12th Annual ENETSConcerence (2015)
Presenting Author: Sergieva S
Authors: Sergieva S, Pandev R, Robev B, Fakirova A,
Keywords: MTC, somatostatin SPECT-CT image,
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