One-year Response to Everolimus in a Case of Advanced Pancreatic NET


Introduction: A stage IV pancreatic NET (30 mitoses/10 PF and Ki-67 index=40%) with liver and peritoneal metastases was diagnosed in a 35-year-old woman in June 2008. Characteristics: ECOG2 and CgA 1701 ng/ml.

Aim(s): Evaluate the effects of Everolimus after four lines of chemotherapy (streptozotocin-5FU, CDDP-VP16, streptozotocin-doxorubicin, temozolamide-capecitabine.)

Materials and methods: The patient was hospitalized in August 2009 14 months after the diagnostic with small bowel partial obstruction due to peritoneal progression disease. In spite of her bad clinical performance and of the large tumoral dissemination, it was decided to administer Everolimus 10 mg/day associated with somatostatin analogue (SSA) (octreotide LAR).

Conference: 8th Annual ENETSConcerence (2011)

Presenting Author:

Authors: J Fonseca P, Vietez J, Galvan J, Crespo G, Astudillo A,

Keywords: pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor, Everolimus, Somatostatin Analogues, chemotherapy,

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