Pancreatic Involvement in VHL Disease: The Turin Experience


Introduction: Von Hippel-Lindau disease (VHL) is a rare heritable genetic syndrome. Its typical manifestations concern CNS but it may affect other organs such as the pancreas.

Aim(s): Our objective was to study pancreatic involvement in VHL patients to obtain confirmation with current literature.

Materials and methods: We included all the patients who referred to our center for follow-up of VHL disease: we considered the ones with pancreatic involvement (simple cysts, SCAs or pNETs). We collected data about patients (demographics and medical history) and about pancreatic lesions (imaging features, hystological and cytological analysis).

Conference: 14th Annual ENETSConcerence (2017)

Presenting Author: Cortegoso Valdivia P

Authors: Cortegoso Valdivia P, Venezia L, De Angelis C,

Keywords: VHL,

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