Predictive factors of tumor control in patients with well differentiated digestive endocrine carcinomas (WDEC) treated with lanreotide
Introduction: The antiproliferative effect of somatostatin analogs was recently demonstrated.
Aim(s): To identify factors associated with tumor control in a group of patients with WDEC treated with lanreotide.
Materials and methods: A retrospective study was conducted in 68 patients with WDEC treated with lanreotide alone, progression-free survival (PFS) being the primary endpoint. The influence of the following factors was searched for by uni- and multivariate analysis: age, gender, discovery mode, origin of the primary tumor, metastatic spread Ki 67 index, grade of uptake on somatostatin receptor scintigraphy, pre-treatment tumor evolutivity, extent of liver involvement, resection of primary tumor, prior treatments, tumor markers.
Presenting Author:
Authors: Palazzo M, Lombard-Bohas C, Cadiot G, Matysiak-Budnik T, Rebours V,
Keywords: somatostatin analogs, neuroendocrine, treatment, clinical,
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Predictive Factors of Tumor Control in Patients with Well-differentiated Digestive Endocrine Carcinomas (WDEC) Treated with Lanreotide
Introduction: Somatostatin analogues (SSA) are indicated in the control of secretory symptoms of digestive endocrine tumors. The antiproliferative effect of SSA was recently demonstrated (Rinke et al, JCO 2009).
Aim(s): To identify factors associated with tumor control in a group of patients with WDEC treated with lanreotide.
Materials and methods: Retrospective study in 68 patients with WDEC treated with lanreotide alone, primary endpoint: PFS. Uni- and multivariate analysis on age, gender, discovery mode, origin of the primary tumor, metastatic spread, Ki-67 index, grade of uptake on SRS, pre-treatment evolutivity, extent of liver involvement, resection of the primary, and tumor markers.
Conference: 8th Annual ENETSConcerence (2011)
Presenting Author:
Authors: Palazzo M, Catherine L, Guillaume C, Tamara M, Vinciane R,
Keywords: digestive endocrine tumors, lanreotide, tumor growth, Ki-67, liver metastases,
To read the full abstract, please log into your ENETS Member account.