Preliminary Results of a Nationwide Survey of Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors in von Hippel–Lindau Disease in Japan
Introduction: von Hippel–Lindau disease (VHL) is an intractable disease characterized by various tumors including pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (PNET).
Aim(s): To elucidate the characteristics of PNET in Japanese VHL patients.
Materials and methods: We conducted the first nationwide epidemiological study for VHL in Japan. Data on 377 VHL patients (PNET, 53) were reported and then their clinical characteristics were analyzed.
Conference: 10th Annual ENETSConcerence (2013)
Presenting Author:
Authors: Igarashi H, Ito T, Nishimori I, Tamura K, Yamasaki I,
Keywords: von Hippel–Lindau disease, pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors,
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