Reassessment of Proliferative Activity at Disease Progression in Neuroendocrine Neoplasms
Introduction: Ki67 is a key factor influencing prognosis and treatment in NENs. However, whether repeating histology at time of progression of disease (PD) is debated
Aim(s): To investigate Ki67 changes at time of PD in NENs.
Materials and methods: Sporadic NENs in which histology was repeated at time of PD. Values expressed as median (range). Wilcoxon test used to compare data
Conference: 13th Annual ENETSConcerence (2016)
Presenting Author: Cicchese N
Authors: Cicchese N, Panzuto F, Rinzivillo M, Capurso G, Merola E,
Keywords: Ki-67, tumor progression,
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