Sequence of Therapy and Survival among Advanced Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors (pNETs)
Introduction: Therapy for advanced pNETs involves surgery (SG) and non-SG options, including liver ablation (ABL), systemic therapy (ST), somatostatin analogues (SSA). Optimal initial therapy is unknown.
Aim(s): We describe sequence of therapy for pNETs and survival differences between treatment cohorts.
Materials and methods: Sequential patients with advanced pNETs referred to the BC Cancer Agency between 2000-2013 and received at least one treatment modality were reviewed. SG included any resection of primary or distant disease; ST included chemo- and small molecule therapy, and peptide receptor radiotherapy.
Conference: 14th Annual ENETSConcerence (2017)
Presenting Author:
Authors: Tsang E, Speers C, Cheung W, Kennecke H,
Keywords: pNET, sequential therapy,
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