Serum Levels of Chromogranin A Were Not Elevated in Patients with Insulinomas
Introduction: According to ENETS and NANETS Consensus Guidelines, Chromogranin A (CgA) is the most practical and useful serum tumor marker in NET patients (pts), including pancreatic NETs. Many studies suggested that test of blood CgA should be mandatory for NET diagnosis.
Aim(s): To assess the diagnostic value of CgA levels in Chinese pts with insulinoma.
Materials and methods: We measured the serum levels of CgA in 48 PNETs (including 23 insulinomas) and 86 healthy controls by ELISA (CIS Bio). Expression of CgA was tested in 10 insulinoma tissues by IHC. P<0.05 was considered significant.
Conference: 10th Annual ENETSConcerence (2013)
Presenting Author: Qiao X
Authors: Qiao X, Qiu L, Liu B, Song Y, Zhu L,
Keywords: serum levels of CgA, PNET, insulinoma, diagnosis,
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