Somatostatin Analogs (SSAs) as Effective Treatment of Resectable, non Metastatic, non Functioning Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors (NF-pNETs) in Patients Unfit for Surgery. A Case Series.
Introduction: SSAs are used to treat symptomatic functioning pNETs and to prolong progression free survival in metastatic, G1/G2, somatostatin receptor-positive pNETs. Pancreatic surgery is burdened with important morbidity and mortality, especially in patients with increased anaesthesiological risk.
Aim(s): We report the cases of patients unfit for surgery presenting resectable G1 NF-pNETs, who received SSAs as first treatment.
Materials and methods: From August 2015 to November 2016 we evaluated 7 patients with multiple comorbidities (ASA 3), affected by non metastatic, non functioning, G1 (Ki 67 1-2%) resectable pNETs. Mean age was 66 years (range 48-83), 4 of them were obese (mean BMI 31 kg/m2 ,range 27-35). In 4 cases the lesion was in the pancreatic head, in 1 case in the body, 2 cases had multiple lesions. The mean diameter of the lesions, at CT and MRI scans, was 32.14 mm (range 23 - 56). All the cases showed pathological uptake on Gallium PET/CT scans. The patients didn’t undergo surgery, and were treated with SSAs (Octreotide LAR 30 mg or Lanreotide LAR 120 mg), one injection every 28 days.
Conference: 15th Annual ENETSConcerence (2018)
Presenting Author:
Authors: Nessi C, Paiella S, Miotto M, Viviani E, Zingaretti C,
Keywords: somatostatin analogs, resectable pnets,
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