Study Protocol: Prospective, Randomized Controlled Trial on the Effect of Primary Resection in Advanced Metastatic NEN of Pancreas and Midgut (PRESNENAS)
Introduction: The role of Primary Tumor resection in advanced metastatic NEN is discussed controversely.
Aim(s): To show the benefit of primary resection on progression-free survival in advanced metastatic pancreatic and midgut NET (Stage IV) compared to biotherapy
Materials and methods: Well differentiated neuroendocrine neoplasia (NET, G1, G2, Ki-67<10%) of midgut and pancreas with surgically non-resectable metastases and asymptomatic, resectable primary tumor. Comparison between surgical primary resection plus biotherapy and biotherapy only.
Conference: 14th Annual ENETSConcerence (2017)
Presenting Author: Begum N
Authors: Begum N, Pavel M, Goretzki P, Vonthein R,
Keywords: Prospective Randomized, Controlled Trial, Surgery, Role of Primary Resection,
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