The Clinicopathological Characteristics of Small Intestinal Neuroendocrine Neoplasms: A Multicenter Retrospective Study from China
Introduction: Small intestinal NEN (SI-NEN) is much rarer in Asian countries. Hence, the clinicopathological characteristics of SI-NEN are still unknown in Asian population.
Aim(s): To investigate the clinicopathological features of SI-NEN in Chinese patients.
Materials and methods: Clinical data of 277 patients with SI-NEN were retrieved from eleven hospitals respectively located in north, middle, west, east and south of China. Kaplan-Meier analysis was applied to evaluate the overall survival of SI-NEN patients.
Conference: 14th Annual ENETSConcerence (2017)
Presenting Author: Chen L
Authors: Chen L, Zhou L, Zhang M, Shang L, Wang W,
Keywords: small intestine, neuroendocrine neoplasms, clinicopathological features,
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