Thymosin β4 as Putative Marker in Neuroendocrine Tumors
Introduction: Neuroendocrine tumors (NETS) arise from the diffuse endocrine system which produce biogenic amines and peptides that could be potential biomarker. We previously analysed proteomes secreted by NET cell lines and identified mac2BP as a putative marker which was also elevated in patients compared to healthy controls.
Aim(s): To identify potential biomarker by analysis of the fractions of secretomes between 3-10kDa from three NET cell lines and then identify the secreted proteins in NET patient serum.
Materials and methods: Three Cell Lines BON-1, NCI-H727, and SHP-77 cells were grown in serum-free media overnight, which was then fractionated and the secreted 3-10kDa polypeptides were identified using Tandem Mass spectrometry. One of the small proteins, Thymosin β4, was measured in serum samples of patients and controls using ELISA. Mac2BP and chromogranin A were also measured.
Conference: 10th Annual ENETSConcerence (2013)
Presenting Author:
Authors: Mandair D, Marotta D, Ho J, Waugh M, Srirajaskanthan R,
Keywords: proteomics,
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