Utility of a Circulating NET mRNA Gene Signature for Defining Bronchopulmonary Neuroendocrine Neoplasia and Evaluating Disease Progression
Introduction: Bronchopulmonary NETs (BPNETs) exhibit indolent to aggressive behavior. Imaging, histology and biochemistry are limited in accurately defining malignancy or progression. A blood based NET multigene test is effective in diagnosing GEP-NET progression and therapy response.
Aim(s): Assess the efficacy of NETest in BPNET diagnosis and identification of progressive disease.
Materials and methods: Material: BPNETs: (n=108), controls (n=90), COPD (n=18) and lung cancers (n=12). Measurements: NETest (+ve >14%) by qPCR; CgA by ELISA (normal <109ng/ml); disease status by imaging. Carcinoids were typical TC: n=64, atypical AC: n=44. Clinico-histological groups were AC/SD or AC/PD; TC/SD or TC/PD by RECIST. Progressive disease (PD): 43% AC and 23% TC. Analysis: 2-tailed Mann-Whitney U-tests and ROC-statistics.
Conference: 14th Annual ENETSConcerence (2017)
Presenting Author: Kidd M
Authors: Lewczuk A, Chung K, Kolasińska-Ćwikła A, Ćwikła J, Kidd M,
Keywords: NET,
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