NextGEN ENETS Workshop 2023

The second workshop took place on 28 – 30 September 2023 in Knivsta, Sweden.

13 young NET researchers from around the world met up and presented their work in to their fellow colleagues and peers, and a senior faculty composed of 7 members.

Junior Faculty: Ioanna Angelioudaki, Greece | Maria Francesca Birtolo, France | Carlos Carretero, Spain | Chiara Alessandra Cella, Italy | Laura Gerard, France | Enes Kaçmaz, The Netherlands | Ieva Lase, Sweden | Hannes Leupe, Belgium | Maria Grazia Maratta, Italy | Magdalena Mileva, Belgium | Sergio Pedraza-Arévalo, Spain | Eleonora Pelle, United States | Franz Sesti, Italy.

Senior Faculty: Eva Tiensuu Janson, Sweden, ENETS Chair | Marianne Pavel, Germany, ENETS Vice Chair | Detlef Bartsch, ENETS Treasurer | Rocio Garcia-Carbonero, Spain, ENETS Chair-Elect | Justo P. Castaño, Spain, ENETS Advisory Board member | John Ramage, United Kingdom, ENETS Executive Committee member | Ashley Grossman, United Kingdom, Journal of Neuroendocrinology | Laia Caja Puigsubira, Sweden, Lecturer in rhetoric | Eva Garmendia, Sweden, Lecturer in rhetoric.