Information for Trainees

Welcome to our webpage for trainees interested in undertaking this programme!

Please note that successful candidates completing this programme will receive a official certification and an EU-wide recognised accreditation in neuroendocrine neoplasia medicine by the governing body UEMS. This programme is comparable to other European Board offers organised by the UEMS is association with other medical societies.

Are you interested in becoming an EBNEN trainee?

Please submit via the form below an expression of interest to participate in this programme. As we are at the beginning of the journey, all expressions of interest will initially be handled by the ENETS Office until training institutions have been identified.

Click the link below or scroll down to apply to become a trainee in the European Board in Neuroendocrine Neoplasia Medicine!

Download the logbook

All trainees are required to acquire the skills and knowledge as set out in the ETR logbook.

Am I eligible to apply for this training programme?

Applicants are required the meet the following criteria in order to be consider eligible candidates for the training:

  • Medical Profession; doctor who has completed their general professional training
  • Fellowship or equivalent in competency. The candidates should all have a national qualification, e.g. Board in Gastroenterology in their specialty prior to entering the program (Specialist in NEN Medicine).
  • ENETS membership in good standing

Apply as an EBNEN trainee

Are you interested in becoming a trainee in the European Board in Neuroendocrine Neoplasia Medicine?

What to expect during the training?

The duration and curriculum of training in NEN is aiming to enable the trainee to become a fully independent specialist in NEN. During the course of the training program classical methodologies will be applied. These include but are not limited to: lectures, seminars, bed side teaching, case reports, case scenario discussions, journal clubs, e-learning, webinars, computer assisted, self-instruction modules, problem-based learning, team-based learning, simulation etc.

The applicant will be required to meet the following minimum achievements in order to be eligible for the examination process:

  • Minimum of 2 years of continuous clinical work in NEN care after fellowship in ENETS Centers of Excellence or equivalent institution (see XX section for eligible institutions)
  • Completion of adequate competencies and clinical training for their individual specialty (specific details for each specialty are provided in the UEMS European Training Requirements for Neuroendocrine Neoplasia Medicine dated September 2020.
  • Regular active participation in dedicated NEN tumour boards (minimum number of 100; as to be proven in logbook)
  • Active involvement in design and conduction of therapeutic pathways according to individual needs (minimum number of 100; as to be proven in logbook)
  • Completed logbook as proof of adequate clinical training. Logbook to be completed in order to show competencies obtained as per guidelines provided in UEMS European Training Requirements for Neuroendocrine Neoplasia Medicine dated September 2020.

Training resources and templates

Find all resources and templates for trainees, including webinars, ETR logbook, guidance papers and guidelines.

Webinar Archive

Missed the
ENETS-INCA webinar
for NET Cancer Day 2024?
No worries! You can now watch the recording in our ENETS webinar archive.

Following the training, will I be eligible to apply for the examination?

Following the training, the minimum following criteria are required to be met in order to apply for examination are as follows:

  • ENETS member in good standing
  • Recommendation by trainer
  • Completed and signed logbook
  • Participation in one postgraduate course per year (@ENETS congress)
  • Attendance at national NEN symposium / registry meeting
  • Participation or organization of at least one educational event for NEN patients or awareness campaign
  • Successful attendance at ENETS-E-Learning platform
  • Minimum of 3 (co-)authorships in peer-reviewed publications in the field of NEN disease during the last 5 years
  • Minimum of 2 oral or poster presentations on NEN disease at national or international symposia/congresses.

EBNEN exams

Click below to find out more on the European Board in Neuroendocrine Neoplasia Medicine exams.

Expressions of interest from EBNEN trainees

Interested trainees should fill out the form below if they are interested in taking part in the European Board in Neuroendocrine Neoplasia Medicine.

Initially, ENETS Office will handle all expressions of interest from trainees and will connect you with your preferred training institutions. We will update the website with approved training institutions in the near future.