Information for Training Institutions

This page is designed to provide you with all information regarding training institutions.

Which training institutions could I be involved with?

A training institution must be accredited with competent National Medical Boards, in agreement with UEMS and ENETS standards, and should possess an adequate infrastructure and offer qualitative and quantitative clinical exposure. They are also required to have an internal system of medical audit or quality assurance, with written general guidelines on patient care associated activities. Optimally, they should be member(s) of one or more European Reference Networks (ERNs) and accredited as ENETS Centers of Excellence (CoE).

Therefore, eligible training institutions will be:

  • Institutions that have already been accredited as ENETS Centers of Excellence (CoE), or
  • Equivalent institutions able to meet the training requirements with expertise and infrastructure comparable with ENETS Centers of Excellence (CoE) must be approved by ENETS in order to be able to participate in the NEN specialist training programme.

Register as a training institution

Register your center as an EBNEN training institution now.

Which requirements must training institutions meet?

  • Single institution, or network of institutions working together, providing training in the full spectrum of clinical conditions and skills detailed in the NEN curriculum.
  • A training institution must have national accreditation, in agreement with UEMS and ENETS standards, and should possess an adequate infrastructure and offer qualitative and quantitative clinical exposure.
    Optimally, training institutions are members of one or more European Reference Networks (ERNs) and accredited as ENETS Centers of Excellence (CoE).
  • Each participating institution in a network must be individually recognised as a provider of a defined section of the NEN curriculum.
    Training institutions must have a sufficient throughput of patients, an appropriate case-mix to meet training objectives, and be adequately resourced with teaching staff.
  • There should be written general guidelines within the training institution concerning patient care and patient information (including informed consent), referrals, medical records, documentation, on-call and back-up schedules, conference attendance and educational activities.
  • The staff of a training institution should engage collaboratively in regular reviews and audit of the center’s clinical activity and performance.
  • There should be regular multi-disciplinary meetings to determine optimal care for patients, involving both medical and other healthcare professionals.
  • A training institution should have enough equipment and support to enable optimal clinical practice and provide the necessary educational opportunities for trainees.
  • Training institutions must have available Computing, Information Technology and library resources and should offer trainees the opportunity to engage in research.


Which quality management criteria must training institutions meet?


  • Training institutions must be accredited with competent National Medical Boards.
  • Ideally, they must also be accredited as ENETS Center of Excellence (CoE) (detailed requirements at Institutions with expertise and infrastructure comparable with ENETS Centers of Excellence must be approved by ENETS.
  • Training institutions must have an internal system of medical audit or quality assurance, which must be an integral part of the training programme and networks.

Clinical governance

  • Employee structure needs to be designed to accommodate for competency training.
  • Workload must be managed with a priority on training: allotted time of at least one day per workweek should be implemented for competency training interaction.

Responsibility of the training institution’s programme director

  • Composition, implementation and supervision of a competency training programme.
  • Compliance of the training programme with current guidelines, directives or regulations of competent medical boards and local medical school.

Transparency of training programmes

  • Annual reports on various aspects of the training institution’s competency training programme should be made publicly available.
  • Training institutions are strongly encouraged to formulate defined training programmes and make them publicly available.
  • Training institutions should publish details of the clinical service provided by the training programme, the nature of the clinical or laboratory experiences in which a trainee would be engaged, the support and interaction with the trainer and programme director and the names of the trainers.

Framework of approval

  • It should also be made clear how and by whom key achievements of training will be ascertained, leading the trainee to a higher level of clinical responsibility and new assignments.
  • Satisfactory completion of a training programme in NENs would be verified both by relevant documents and by the testimony of trainers and programme director.

Feedback from trainers and trainees

  • Feedback about programme quality from both trainers and trainees must be systematically sought, analysed, and acted upon.
  • Trainers and trainees should be actively involved in using its results for programme improvement and development.