ETR logbook

The European Training Requirements (ETR) for NEN Medicine aim to support and define the professional development of medical specialists leading to improvement of quality of care across Europe. By ensuring the highest level of education and by harmonising the curriculum across countries trainees from different European member states and centres can obtain the same core clinical skills, allowing free movement of trainees across borders.

The advancement of the trainee in acquisition of European Training Requirements for NEN Medicine is collected in the logbook. The logbook is an objective and comprehensive collection of all relevant clinical experience of the trainee in the field of NEN Medicine. The trainee should fully document all acquired theoretical knowledge, competencies and supervision pertaining to the NEN curriculum in the logbook.

It is required to use the template logbook UEMS2020/09 Neuroendocrine Neoplasia Medicine.

ENETS webinar series

ENETS has developed a wide range of webinars and postgraduate educational modules in its webinar series in 2021 and 2022, which comprehensively cover the field of NEN.

View live webinars scheduled for the last Wednesday of every month, or watch webcasts of past webinars to improve your NET knowledge.

ENETS guidance papers and guidelines

ENETs has published numerous peer-reviewed guidelines and standards of care over the recent years covering the field of NEN. Further guidelines are in progress.