Carboplatin-Etoposide Chemotherapy (CB-ET) for Patients Diagnosed with Advanced Extra-Pulmonary (EP) Poorly Differentiated (PD) Neuroendocrine Carcinoma (NEC): Findings from a European Neuroendocrine Tumour Society Centre of Excellence
Introduction: Carboplatin-Etoposide is a first-line option for patients (pts) with advanced EP-PD-NEC. Data from randomised trials are lacking
Aim(s): The aim was to provide real-life activity/efficacy/safety data on CB-ET in this setting
Materials and methods: Records of pts with advanced EP-PD-NEC (06/09-04/17) treated with CB-ET were retrospectively reviewed
Conference: 15th Annual ENETSConcerence (2018)
Presenting Author: Frizziero M
Authors: Frizziero M, Lamarca A, Kordatou Z, Barriuso J, Nuttall C,
Keywords: carboplatin-etoposide, poorly-differentiated extra-pulmonary neuroendocrine carcinoma, activity, efficacy, safety,
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