Chromogranin A in the Follow-up of Digestive Neuroendocrine Neoplasms: Is It a Useful Biomarker?
Introduction: Chromogranin A (CgA) is the most frequently used biomarker in digestive neuroendocrine neoplasms (DNENs) but its real usefulness is still unclear
Aim(s): To identify CgA clinical usefulness and the most accurate cut-off to detect disease progression (DP) or recurrence (DR) in the follow-up of DNEN
Materials and methods: Unicenter retrospective analysis of sporadic DNENs with ≥ 24-mos follow-up and ≥2 CgA assessments. Circulating CgA was measured by Cisbio CgA-RIA (Gif-sur-Yvette, France). For clinical usefulness we meant CgA accuracy in detecting DP/DR at least 3 mos before imaging tests, and considered only cases in which CgA was measured before DP/DR. We analyzed CgA accuracy using different CgA changes: increase ≥50% from previous CgA level, increase ≥ 30%, ≥ 2xULN
Conference: 13th Annual ENETSConcerence (2016)
Presenting Author:
Authors: Merola E, Delle Fave G, Blankenstein O, Wiedenmann B, Pavel M,
Keywords: CgA, clinical usefulness, ≥ 50% increase,
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