Clinically Detected Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors are on the Rise: Epidemiological Changes in Germany
Introduction: -
Aim(s): To study the epidemiological changes of GEP-NET in Germany, we analyzed two time periods: 1976-1988 and 1998- 2006.
Materials and methods: We evaluated epidemiological data of GEP-NET from the former East German National Cancer Registry (1976-1988) and the Joint Cancer Registry (1998-2006). More than 10.8 million people were analyzed. Survival probabilities were calculated using life table analysis. In addition GEP-NET patients were evaluated for one or more second primary malignancies.
Conference: 11th Annual ENETSConcerence (2014)
Presenting Author:
Authors: Zappe S, Eick J, Steinberg J, Streller B, Stabenow R,
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