Complete Mesenterial Venous Obstruction – A Clinical Syndrome Unique to Neuroendocrine Neoplasms of the Small Bowel
Introduction: Neuroendocrine neoplasms of the small bowel are mostly advanced or metastasized at diagnosis. Metastases typically occur in the mesenteric root and liver.
Aim(s): We report clinical presentation and interdisciplinary management of cachexia and malnutrition caused by complete mesenteric venous occlusion due to mesenteric lymph node metastases.
Materials and methods: Between 12/2011 and 09/2012, three patients with obstructing lymph node metastases in the mesenteric root were diagnosed due to malnutrition and typical thickening of the small bowel with ascites, which was caused by dual obstruction of superior and inferior mesenteric veins without development of extra-splanchnic circulation. These patients showed no signs of liver metastases. In the same period, control patients were identified with mesenteric obstruction and extra-splanchnic circulation or with sole obstruction of the mesenteric or portal vein.
Conference: 11th Annual ENETSConcerence (2014)
Presenting Author:
Authors: Petrovitch A, Hommann M, Kaemmerer D, Dreßler S, Trautvetter T,
Keywords: NET,
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