EvAluation de Satisfaction Infirmière (Nurse Satisfaction Evaluation). Observational Study of the Preparation and Intramuscular Administration of the Previous and New Long-Acting Release Octreotide LAR Formulation (EASI)


Introduction: A new formulation of octreotide LAR (OCT LAR) with a new diluent has been developed to facilitate the preparation and administration.

Aim(s): To compare nurse’s satisfaction about preparation and administration through a visual analogic scale from 0 (unsatisfied) to 10 (very satisfied) of both previous and new formulations of OCT LAR.

Materials and methods: French oncologists, endocrinologists and gastroenterologists were contacted to include patients in the study. All patients treated with OCT LAR for acromegaly (ACRO), or endocrine digestive tumor (NET) were eligible. Patients were included at 2 different timelines: group 1 “previous formulation (PF)” and group 2 “new formulation (NF)”.

Conference: 17th Annual ENETSConcerence (2020)

Presenting Author: Coriat R

Authors: Cadiot G, Coriat R, Raverot G, Nguyen Tan Hon T, Raingeard I,

Keywords: Octreotide LAR, NET, Acromegaly, Nurse,

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