Focal Nesidioblastosis in an Adult
Introduction: Nesidioblastosis is an uncommon cause of persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia (PHH) in adults. Although it is well-described in infants, the pathophysiology in adults is poorly understood.
Aim(s): From our review of the literature, we believe that this is the second reported case of localized nesidioblastosis in an adult.
Materials and methods: A 63-year-old woman presented with unexplained weakness and dizziness, which was relieved with food intake. On workup, she was found to be hypoglycemic, with serum glucose values between 32 and 50 mg/dL. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a nodule arising from the corpus of the pancreas, which was slightly enhanced, measuring 1.0 cm in diameter.
Conference: 8th Annual ENETSConcerence (2011)
Presenting Author:
Authors: Simsek T, Utkan Z, Canturk Z, Canturk Z, Gurbüz Y,
Keywords: adult nesidioblastosis, focal, persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia,
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