Is It That Rare?
Introduction: Carcinoid heart disease (CHD) is a rare and unique manifestation, It present in 50% of CS
Aim(s): case report of elderly patient diagnosed with CHD as initial presentation of metastatic pancreatic neuroendocrine tum
Materials and methods: Case Description 79 years old male with ischemic heart disease, admitted with decompensated heart failure, he has chronic diarrhea , Weight loss and anorexia, no flushing or skin lesions Examination Oxygen Saturation was 85% room air, raised juglar venous pressure, pansystolic murmer at cardiac apex and early diastolic murmur at pulmonary area, bilateral basal crepitation, pulsatile tender liver and bilateral pitting edema
Conference: 17th Annual ENETSConcerence (2020)
Presenting Author: Babli S
Authors: Babli S, Alzahrani W, Aldawish M,
Keywords: neuroendocrine tumors, carcinoid syndrome, carcinoid heart disease,
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