Malignant Carotid Body Tumors (CBTs), Clinical Presentation, Investigations and Their Management
Introduction: Malignant CBTs are rare (incidence 0.012%) and their management is not well settled. We present 2 pts. with malignant CBTs to define their presentation, investigations done and treatment undertaken w/ FU.
Aim(s): To provide evidence that malignant CBTs can be managed meaningfully using surgical resection and multimodal therapy.
Materials and methods: Two pts. w/ large (Shamblin class 3) lateral neck masses were investigated using FNA followed by resection after tumor embolization, immunostains done for CGA, synaptophysin, along w/ Ki-67. Imaging studied included US neck, CT neck/Chest, MRI, PET-CT, MIBG, Octreoscan. Serial serum CGA were done.
Conference: 9th Annual ENETSConcerence (2012)
Presenting Author:
Authors: Ahmed M, Tuli M, Alsugair A, AlHindi H,
Keywords: carotid body tumors, paraganglioma,
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