Metastatic VIPOMA, Co-Secreting Insulin, with Complete Response to Lanreotide Combined with Capecitabine and Temozolamide
Introduction: VIPomas are rare neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) associated with vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) hypersecretion causing watery diarrhea, hypokalaemia and achlorhydria. They originate mostly in the pancreas and 60-80% are malignant. Hormonal co-secretion is rarely reported.
Aim(s): Report the efficacy of combination therapy in a metastatic pancreatic VIPoma.
Materials and methods: Female patient, 48–year-old, with personal history of chronic diarrhea, associated with severe hypokalaemia and weight loss. A CT scan revealed a nodule in the tail of the pancreas and elevated VIP. She underwent distal pancreatectomy and splenectomy, and the histological examination showed a well differentiated NET, Ki67<2% (T3N0Mx).
Conference: 15th Annual ENETSConcerence (2018)
Presenting Author: Marques B
Authors: Marques B, Martins R, Ribeiro J, Couto J, Ferrão H,
Keywords: vipoma, neuroendocrine, lanreotide, capecitabine, temozolamide,
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