NT-proBNP is Superior to ST2 and Galectin-3 Cardiac Markers in Identifying Carcinoid Heart Disease in Small Bowel NET Patients
Introduction: Carcinoid heart disease (CHD) develops in small bowel neuroendocrine tumour (sbNET) patients with carcinoid syndrome (CS). NT-proBNP (NTP) is suggested as the best current biomarker to screen and monitor for HF from CHD. A number of other markers, such as Galectin-3 (GAL3) and ST2 (or IL-1 R4), have been explored to diagnose and prognosticate in HF but have not been explored in NET patients with CS and CHD.
Aim(s): To explore the value of markers NTP, GAL3 and ST2 in identifying CHD in sbNET patients.
Materials and methods: 3 groups of sbNET patients (n=37) were identified from the Liver Research BioBank; CHD (Group A, n=10), non-functional (Groups B, n=12, normal chromogranin A (CgA), 5HIAA, BNP), functional (Group C, n=15, increased CgA & urine 5HIAA, normal BNP). Analysis was performed using NTP (<125 ng/L), GAL3 (2.4–15.7 ug/L) and ST2 (6.74-20.4 ug/L) assays.
Conference: 13th Annual ENETSConcerence (2016)
Presenting Author:
Authors: Basuroy R, Srirajaskanthan R, Ramage J, Sherwood R,
Keywords: Carcinoid Heart Disease, Biomarker,
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