A Case Report of a Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor (pNET) With High Levels of 5-HIAA in Urine
Introduction: A 79-year-old man presented with weakness and weight loss. Clinical examination revealed a palpable liver and CT scan a mass in the head of pancreas and multiple liver lesions.
Aim(s): A biopsy showed a well-differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma of the pancreas with Ki-67 5%.
Materials and methods: Laboratory tests showed high bilirubin, serum cromogranin A (CgA) 3940ng/ml (19.4-98.1ng/ml) and 24h urinary 5-HIAA 27mg (2-9mg/24h). Somatostatin receptor scanning showed increased uptake in the head of the pancreas and liver.
Conference: 11th Annual ENETSConcerence (2014)
Presenting Author: Tsoukalas N
Authors: Tsoukalas N, Cholis N, Psarogiorgou S, Koutsikos I, Ballasis K,
Keywords: 5-HIAA, pancreas, pNET,
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