An Observational Registry Collecting Data on Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor Patients (GEP-NET Registry) in the Middle East and Asia
Introduction: NET awareness is low in the Middle East and Asia. This registry of GEP NET patients will capture reported outcomes from physicians in clinical practice who treat patients with GEP NET.
Aim(s): To assess the prevalence, incidence and regional trends in diagnosis, clinical management, and outcome measures of GEP NET patients.
Materials and methods: Prospective data on treatment, including dose and duration, and retrospective disease history are to be collected during normal clinical practice at the discretion of the clinician using a web-based system. It is planned to have 500 patients registered from 30-50 sites from the Middle East and Asia over three years. The study is sponsored by Novartis.
Conference: 8th Annual ENETSConcerence (2011)
Presenting Author:
Authors: Hwang T, Lang B, Ovartlarnporn B, Park Y, Katta J,
Keywords: gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumor, GEP NET, registry, observational study,
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