Predictors of Clinical Response to Everolimus in Patients with Well-differentiated Metastatic Pancreatic NETs


Introduction: Everolimus (E) is an mTOR inhibitor with promising antitumor activity in patients with NETs. Predictor factors of response could improve the clinical use of this compound.

Aim(s): To identify predictors of clinical response to E in patients with well-differentiated metastatic pancreatic NETs (P-NETs).

Materials and methods: Thirteen patients with P-NETs were treated with E 5-10mg/d(median duration 11.3[2-27.3]mos). We evaluated: the tumor proliferative index before treatment; adverse events (CTCAEv3.0); the metabolic alterations(glycemia, blood lipid levels) at baseline and after three months; and the prolonged progression-free survival defined as PFS above median(RECIST 1.0).

Conference: 8th Annual ENETSConcerence (2011)

Presenting Author:

Authors: De Martino M, Ducreux M, Dromain C, Duvillard P, Guigay J, Leboulleux S,

Keywords: everolimus, mTOR, RECIST, pancreas, neuroendocrine, tumor, proliferative index, predictor,

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