Study of Cell Cycle Protein Expression Pattern in Bronchial Carcinoids: A New Potential Target for Medical Therapy?
Introduction: Bronchial Carcinoids (BCs) are rare neuroendocrine neoplasms arising from respiratory epithelium. The only effective treatment option is surgery, but its efficacy is frequently limited by metastatic spread. Everolimus prolongs progression free survival but patients may develop resistance. Previous studies demonstrated that Everolimus reduces viability of NCI-H720 cells (Atypical Carcinoid) but not of NCI-H727 cells (Typical Carcinoid). Everolimus decreases Ciclyn D1 protein levels in both cell lines but NCI-H727 cells survive, indicating a derangement in cell cycle control.
Aim(s): Therefore our aim is to evaluate cyclins and CdKs basal protein levels in order to verify this hypothesis and to test whether Dinaciclib (inhibitor of CdK 1, 2. 5, 9) and Palbociclib (inhibitor of CdK 4, 9) may be effective in Everolimus resistant cells. We also investigated autophagy involvement by using Chloroquine.
Materials and methods: Cell viability was tested by a luminescent assay and protein levels by Western blot analysis.
Conference: 15th Annual ENETSConcerence (2018)
Presenting Author:
Authors: Bresciani G, Riva E, Ambrosio M, Zatelli M,
Keywords: bronchial carcinoids, cell cycle, cyclins, cdks, target therapy, everolimus, dinaciclib, palbociclib,
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