The Clinical Oncology Society of Australia (COSA) SIGNETURe Neuroendocrine Tumor (NET) Registry of Australia: First Report of Patient Characteristics and Patterns of Care
Introduction: NETs remain a relatively rare malignancy. Clinical trials are often hindered by the limited number of patients available and thus registries provide important information about patterns of care and patient outcomes.
Aim(s): With this in mind the SIGNETURe registry was developed to record patient characteristics, therapies used and outcomes for patients with NETs in Australia.
Materials and methods: Patients seen at specialist NET referral centres were offered participation in the registry. Both newly diagnosed cases (incident cases) and those with a prior established diagnosis (prevalent cases) were included. The registry was reviewed by an appropriate Ethics committee in each state of Australia. An electronic web based database was used for data collection (DATATRAK©).
Conference: 12th Annual ENETSConcerence (2015)
Presenting Author: Price T
Authors: Price T, Pavlakis N, Karapetis C, Michael M, Singhal N,
Keywords: Registry,
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